Remedy Details for care and relief of Insect Stings
Apply cilantro for the care and relief of Insect Stings
Effectiveness: N/APopularity: 0
Why it works: Applying cilantro is effective in reducing the burning and irritation caused by insect bites.
How it works: Take 2-3 teaspoons of cilantro juice as soon as possible and apply the pulp locally on the affected area. To make juice, blend a handful of cilantro leaves with 1/3 cup water and strain it.
Precautions: Some people might experience food allergies after eating cilantro. There is one report of hives, facial swelling, and throat swelling in a man who ate cilantro. There is another report of severe diarrhea, stomach pain, darkened skin, depression, lapse of menstruation, and dehydration in a woman who took 200 mL of a 10% cilantro extract for 7 days.
The self cure remedy of Apply cilantro for the care and relief of Insect Stings has a popularity score of 0 on the self-cure system.