Remedy Details for care and relief of Stress

Do yoga for the care and relief of Stress

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4.1 (19)
Effectiveness: 4.1  Popularity: 19

Why it works:
Yoga has been shown to help with controlling anxiety and relieving stress. Some of the poses that are most helpful including Uttana Shishosana (puppy pose), Balasana (child's Pose), Viparita Karani (legs-up-the-wall pose), Setu Bandhanasana (bridge pose) and Garudasana (eagle pose).

How it works:

Uttana Shishosana


Viparita Karani

Setu Bandhanasana


The self cure remedy of Do yoga for the care and relief of Stress has an effectiveness score of 4.1 and a popularity score of 19 on the self-cure system.