Remedy Details for care and relief of Sunburn

Apply cold compress for the care and relief of Sunburn

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4.1 (95)
Effectiveness: 4.1  Popularity: 95

Why it works:
Ice packs and cool compress can help soothe sunburns dramatically.

How it works:
Put a cold, damp towel on your skin. Do this for 10 or 15 minutes a few times every day. You also can take frequent cool baths or showers to help relieve the pain. Gently pat yourself dry after the show, but leave a little water on your skin. Then, apply a moisturizer to help trap the water in your skin.

The self cure remedy of Apply cold compress for the care and relief of Sunburn has an effectiveness score of 4.1 and a popularity score of 95 on the self-cure system.