Take honey and cardamom for the care and relief of Vomiting
Effectiveness: 3.4Popularity: 15
Why it works: Cardamom has digestive, antispasmodic and carminative properties. It is used since ancient times in treating belching, vomiting and nausea. Honey contains potassium which eases the nausea and coats the esophageal and stomach lining to neutralize the acids.
How it works: Take 1/2 teaspoon honey and 2 pinches of cardamom into half a cup of plain yogurt.
Precautions: Do not give honey to children under 12 months of age because of the risk of infant botulism poisoning.
cardamom seed
The self cure remedy of Take honey and cardamom for the care and relief of Vomiting has an effectiveness score of 3.4 and a popularity score of 15 on the self-cure system.