Remedy Details for care and relief of Arthritis

Take cat's claw (uncaria tomentosa) supplement for the care and relief of Arthritis

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Effectiveness: N/A  Popularity: 0

Why it works:
Cat's claw contains anti-inflammatory, anti arthritic and antioxidant compounds that help reduce inflammation, swelling and pain. Avoid using it if pregnant or breastfeeding.

How it works:
Follow package directions for the recommended usage.

Avoid taking cat's claw if you are pregnant.

Do not take cat's claw if you have bleeding disorder or blood pressure conditions.

Stop taking cat's claw at least two weeks before surgery.

Cat's claw

The self cure remedy of Take cat's claw (uncaria tomentosa) supplement for the care and relief of Arthritis has a popularity score of 0 on the self-cure system.