Remedy Details for care and relief of Sciatica

Do massage for the care and relief of Sciatica

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3.9 (15)
Effectiveness: 3.9  Popularity: 15

Why it works:
Tight lower back muscles can place stress on your nerve roots. Massage therapy loosens these muscles and helps prevent pinching or irritation. In addition, a massage encourages the release of pain-fighting endorphins, which can provide temporary relief from symptoms like the throbbing pain in your foot or the burning sensation in your leg.

How it works:
1. Palm and Thumb Massage:

Place the palms of your hands on your lower back. Rub the pelvic area towards your spine and down towards your buttocks. Next, place your hands at your waist with your thumbs on the ropelike muscles near the spine. Wrap your fingers around your sides. Using your thumbs, apply a firm and steady pressure toward the spine on the outer edges of the ropey muscles, so that your thumbs are about four inches apart. Apply pressure without causing discomfort.

2. Tennis Ball Massage

Place the two tennis balls close together in a towel or sock. Place them on the floor. Sit down on the floor, with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, place the balls behind you. Gradually recline your body until you are lying on your back on the floor, with the balls on the sore area of your back. Rest in this position if you can for one minute. When the back tension is relieved, move the balls to another area of your back. Slowly roll onto your side into a comfortable fetal position, using your arm under your head (as a pillow). Rest in this position for five minutes before getting up.

3. Knuckle Pressure

Lie on your back, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Make fists and carefully place them on the left and right side of your lower back. Position your fists so your palms are facing down and your knuckles are against your back. Your fists should be between the spine and your lower back muscles. Rest in this position if you can for one minute. Slowly roll onto your side into a comfortable fetal position, using your arm under your head (as a pillow). Rest in this position for five minutes before getting up.

The self cure remedy of Do massage for the care and relief of Sciatica has an effectiveness score of 3.9 and a popularity score of 15 on the self-cure system.