Remedy Details for care and relief of Enlarged Prostate
Take sesame seeds for the care and relief of Enlarged Prostate
Effectiveness: 1.0Popularity: 59
Why it works: Sesame seeds are rich in zinc. The mineral is essential to the health of the prostate. Zinc that comes from food is easier to absorb than zinc supplements.
How it works: Eat a handful of sesame seeds every day.
Precautions: Sesame might affect blood sugar levels and also lower blood pressure. Use caution if you have blood sugar or blood pressure related conditions.
Stop taking large amounts (amounts used for medicine) of sesame at least two weeks before surgery.
The self cure remedy of Take sesame seeds for the care and relief of Enlarged Prostate has an effectiveness score of 1.0 and a popularity score of 59 on the self-cure system.