Take or apply Indian Gooseberry for the care and relief of Gray Hair
Effectiveness: 2.9Popularity: 23
Why it works: Indian Gooseberry, a.k.a. amla, is effective for a variety of hair problems including premature graying, dull hair, and hair loss. It is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants and has anti-aging benefits.
How it works: Consume the fruit or apply amla oil or amla pulp on your hair.
Precautions: Indian gooseberry might increase the risk of bleeding or bruising in some people. Stop taking Indian gooseberry at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
Indian gooseberry can decrease blood sugar levels. Monitor your blood sugar carefully if you have diabetes.
Indian Gooseberry
The self cure remedy of Take or apply Indian Gooseberry for the care and relief of Gray Hair has an effectiveness score of 2.9 and a popularity score of 23 on the self-cure system.