Remedy Details for care and relief of Plantar Fasciitis

Massage with essential oil for the care and relief of Plantar Fasciitis

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4.1 (8)
Effectiveness: 4.1  Popularity: 8

Why it works:
Massage helps reduce local muscle, tendon or fascia pain. Essential oils have anti-inflammatory properties and can also help ease pain.

How it works:
Massage with eucalyptus, lavender or rosemary essential oil to help reduce inflammation and relief pain. Simply apply the oil and gently rub or massage it into the area where you feel pain the most. For plantar fasciitis sufferers, this will be along the sole of the foot where the fascia joins from the heel to the ball.

The self cure remedy of Massage with essential oil for the care and relief of Plantar Fasciitis has an effectiveness score of 4.1 and a popularity score of 8 on the self-cure system.