Remedy Details for care and relief of Intestinal Parasites

Eat green papaya and seeds for the care and relief of Intestinal Parasites

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2.9 (5)
Effectiveness: 2.9  Popularity: 5

Why it works:
The latex from green papaya is rich in the enzyme papain, which has anthelmintic properties that can effectively destroy intestinal worms. Papaya seeds contain caricin that can help expel intestinal worms.

How it works:
Scoop a spoonful of papaya seeds from a green papaya that is just about to trun yellow. Add some chopped papaya, chopped pineapple, some pumpkin seeds, a dozen fresh cloves, milk or coconut milk and blend them well in a blender to make a smoothie. Drink this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Do not take papaya if you are pregnant or nursing.


The self cure remedy of Eat green papaya and seeds for the care and relief of Intestinal Parasites has an effectiveness score of 2.9 and a popularity score of 5 on the self-cure system.