Remedy Details for care and relief of Fibromyalgia

Eat healthy for the care and relief of Fibromyalgia

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2.3 (14)
Effectiveness: 2.3  Popularity: 14

Why it works:
Eat green vegetables, fruits, protein, fish high in omega-3 fats. Avoid gluten, sugar, processed foods, alcohol and caffeine. Green vegetables conatin essential minerals such as magnesium which helps relax nerves and muscles. Clean lean protein helps maintain energy in muscles and tissues. Omega-3 fats can reduce inflammation and reduce pain.

How it works:
Consume more green vegetables and fruits. Consume grass-feed beef, wild-caught fish high in omega-3 such as salmon, mackerel, sardine, almonds, flaxseeds, gluten-free oats.

The self cure remedy of Eat healthy for the care and relief of Fibromyalgia has an effectiveness score of 2.3 and a popularity score of 14 on the self-cure system.