Remedy Details for care and relief of Restless Leg Syndrome

Diet for the care and relief of Restless Leg Syndrome

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2.5 (13)
Effectiveness: 2.5  Popularity: 13

Why it works:
Consume foods rich in magnesium, potassium and calcium to avoid electrolyte imbalance. Eat whole grains, lean protein, fish high in omega-3 fats. Avoid sugar, processed grains, alcohol and caffeine.

How it works:
Eat leafy green veggies, avocado, beans, bananas, nuts and seeds. Eat fish high in omega-3 fats such as wild salmon and tuna.

The self cure remedy of Diet for the care and relief of Restless Leg Syndrome has an effectiveness score of 2.5 and a popularity score of 13 on the self-cure system.