Remedy Details for care and relief of Shingles

Take colloidal oatmeal bath for the care and relief of Shingles

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3.5 (9)
Effectiveness: 3.5  Popularity: 9

Why it works:
Colloidal oatmeal binds to your skin and forms a protective barrier to hold in moisture. It heals itchy skin, reduce inflammation, and alleviate redness. People have used it for centuries to ease irritated skin.

How it works:
Grind organic oatmeal into fine powder or get ready made colloidal oatmeal from the store. Filling a bath with lukewarm water and add two to three cups of colloidal oatmeal. Soak in the bath for fifteen minutes. When you’re done, your skin will feel silky-smooth. Gently pat yourself dry with a soft towel.

colloidal oatmeal

The self cure remedy of Take colloidal oatmeal bath for the care and relief of Shingles has an effectiveness score of 3.5 and a popularity score of 9 on the self-cure system.