Remedy Details for care and relief of Cellulitis

Apply activated charcoal for the care and relief of Cellulitis

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Effectiveness: N/A  Popularity: 0

Why it works:
Due to its porous nature, activated charcoal powder has the ability to absorb all the impurities and draw out harmful toxins from your skin. By mixing it with ground flaxseeds and water, you can prepare a highly effective poultice to treat cellulitis.

How it works:
Mix a tablespoon activated charcoal powder with a tablespoon ground flaxseeds to some water to form a paste. Apply the paste to the affected area directly. Leave it on for at least 4 hours before rinsing it off with warm water. Repeat every day for at least a week.

activated charcoal

The self cure remedy of Apply activated charcoal for the care and relief of Cellulitis has a popularity score of 0 on the self-cure system.