Remedy Details for care and relief of Athlete's Foot

Apply clove essential oil for the care and relief of Athlete's Foot

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2.3 (6)
Effectiveness: 2.3  Popularity: 6

Why it works:
Clove oil is 60 to 90% eugenol, which is the source of its antifungal, anesthetic and antiseptic properties. Laboratory test have shown that eugenol exhibited marked antifungal activity.

How it works:
Apply essential oil of cloves topically 4-5 times a day. Cloves have known antifungal properties. Side effects of topical application of cloves include dermatitis.


The self cure remedy of Apply clove essential oil for the care and relief of Athlete's Foot has an effectiveness score of 2.3 and a popularity score of 6 on the self-cure system.