Chew parsley leaves for the care and relief of Bad Breath
Effectiveness: 3.2Popularity: 59
Why it works: Parsley contains a bacteria killing compound which helps to handle unwanted bacteria in the mouth. Parsley is high in chlorophyll and has agents that neutralize odors in the blood and lungs.
How it works: Chew some parsley leaves to get rid of bad breath. Also, use fresh parsley to flavor your food as it temporarily deodorizes the breath.
Precautions: Parsley might lower blood sugar levels. Use caution if you have blood sugar related conditions.
Do not take parsley if you have high blood pressure or kidney conditions
Stop taking parsley at least two weeks before surgery.
The self cure remedy of Chew parsley leaves for the care and relief of Bad Breath has an effectiveness score of 3.2 and a popularity score of 59 on the self-cure system.