Remedy Details for care and relief of Acne

Apply tea tree oil for the care and relief of Acne

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3.6 (23)
Effectiveness: 3.6  Popularity: 23

Why it works:
Tea tree oil is an effective antibacterial and antifungal which helps treat acne

How it works:
Apply diluted tea tree oil directly to the acne with a cotton ball two times a day. Do a patch test by applying the diluted oil to the inside of your forearm to make sure it does not cause irritation to your skin before using it on your face. Start with one part of tea tree oil with two part of water and gradually increase the concerntration.

Tea tree oil may cause skin irritation, swelling, burning, and redness for some people.

Don't take tea tree oil by mouth.

Tea Tree

The self cure remedy of Apply tea tree oil for the care and relief of Acne has an effectiveness score of 3.6 and a popularity score of 23 on the self-cure system.