Remedy Details for care and relief of Bruises

Apply comfrey compress for the care and relief of Bruises

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3.0 (1)
Effectiveness: 3.0  Popularity: 1

Why it works:
Comfrey is a good choice for treating bruises.

How it works:
Take 2 tbsp dried comfrey leaves or if you have fresh leaves take about 4 tbsp. Take boiling water and place the leaves inside. Soak a gauze or washcloth into the herbal solution. Apply on bruised area and leave on for about 1 hour. Comfrey should not be taken orally nor should it be applied to broken skin.

Don’t apply comfrey to broken or damaged skin.


The self cure remedy of Apply comfrey compress for the care and relief of Bruises has an effectiveness score of 3.0 and a popularity score of 1 on the self-cure system.