Remedy Details for care and relief of Common Cold

Eat honey for the care and relief of Common Cold

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3.0 (52)
Effectiveness: 3.0  Popularity: 52

Why it works:
Honey contains antioxidant, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties that fight against the virus, bacteria, and fungus to treat the cold and its underlying symptoms. It helps to soothe a sore or scratchy throat naturally and relieves irritation. Honey also boosts the immune system, which reduces the severity of cold and also prevents future colds and other viruses.

How it works:
Consume honey.

Do not give honey to children under 12 months of age because of the risk of infant botulism poisoning.


The self cure remedy of Eat honey for the care and relief of Common Cold has an effectiveness score of 3.0 and a popularity score of 52 on the self-cure system.