Remedy Details for care and relief of Constipation

Take olive oil for the care and relief of Constipation

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3.4 (58)
Effectiveness: 3.4  Popularity: 58

Why it works:
Olive oil makes stools softer and the insides of the bowel smoother.

How it works:
Take one tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach in the morning. Do not take more than this amount as it can lead to diarrhea and cramps. In addition, it works like a stimulant laxative and shouldn't be taken in the long term.

Olive oil might lower blood sugar. Use caution if you have blood sugar related conditions. Stop taking olive oil two weeks before surgery.


The self cure remedy of Take olive oil for the care and relief of Constipation has an effectiveness score of 3.4 and a popularity score of 58 on the self-cure system.