Remedy Details for care and relief of Corn

Soak in apple cider vinegar for the care and relief of Corn

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3.3 (79)
Effectiveness: 3.3  Popularity: 79

Why it works:
Apple Cider Vinegar softens corns and kills bacteria.

How it works:
Fill a basin with hot, soapy water, then add a cup of apple cider vinegar before soaking your feet in the water for at least 15 minutes. Calluses should be softened enough to be filed with a pumice stone. For corns, dab some castor oil on after soaking your feet.

apple cider vinegar

The self cure remedy of Soak in apple cider vinegar for the care and relief of Corn has an effectiveness score of 3.3 and a popularity score of 79 on the self-cure system.