Take carrot juice for the care and relief of Cough
Effectiveness: 1.2Popularity: 16
Why it works: Carrot juice provides a source of nutrients that might play a role in controlling pertussis, or whooping cough, a bacterial infection that leads to long-term severe coughing that proves especially harmful for children.
How it works: Dice 1 lb organic carrots into small pieces and put in a pot of boiling water. Simmer until carrots are softened. Mash the carrots, add 4 tablespoons of raw honey and some of the water that was used to cook the carrots and blend in a blender till smooth. Take one teaspoon of this syrup three times a day.
The self cure remedy of Take carrot juice for the care and relief of Cough has an effectiveness score of 1.2 and a popularity score of 16 on the self-cure system.