Apply cornstarch for the care and relief of Diaper Rash
Effectiveness: 2.4Popularity: 65
Why it works: The friction and moisture of the diaper lead to the diaper rash issue. The cornstarch absorbs the excessive moisture from the baby's skin and keeps it dry. It promotes the healing process of cracked skin and keeps it cool. The use of cornstarch lowers down the friction between baby's bottom and diaper thus prevents the rash to occur.
How it works: Certain causes of diaper rash can be made worse with the use of cornstarch such as rashes caused by yeast infections. If the rash becomes worse after the first application of cornstarch, discontinue use and use only petroleum jelly or an over-the-counter diaper rash ointment containing zinc oxide.
The self cure remedy of Apply cornstarch for the care and relief of Diaper Rash has an effectiveness score of 2.4 and a popularity score of 65 on the self-cure system.