Remedy Details for care and relief of Diarrhea

Eat applesauce for the care and relief of Diarrhea

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3.5 (78)
Effectiveness: 3.5  Popularity: 78

Why it works:
Applesauce contains pectin, which helps to firm soft bowel movements.

How it works:
Consume applesauce.

To make your own applesause: Clean, peel, core and cut fresh apples into pieces. Put the apple pieces in a medium sized sauce pan with water and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat and let the water simmer and cook till the apple pieces are soft and tender. Move the apple pieces to a food processor or a blender and blend it well.


The self cure remedy of Eat applesauce for the care and relief of Diarrhea has an effectiveness score of 3.5 and a popularity score of 78 on the self-cure system.