Instill peppermint oil for the care and relief of Earache
Effectiveness: 2.3Popularity: 65
Why it works: Peppermint has strong anti inflammatory, antibacterial and even mild anesthetic properties that can help remedy an ear infection.
How it works: Put the juice from fresh peppermint leaves in a clean dropper and place two or three drops inside the infected ear. You can also apply a few drops of peppermint oil around the opening of the ear. When using peppermint oil, make sure that you apply the oil around the ear only and don't put oil directly inside the ear as it is very strong.
Precautions: Peppermint may cause side effects including heartburn and allergic reactions including flushing, headache, and mouth sores for some people.
The self cure remedy of Instill peppermint oil for the care and relief of Earache has an effectiveness score of 2.3 and a popularity score of 65 on the self-cure system.