Take ginger and lime for the care and relief of Flatulence
Effectiveness: 3.0Popularity: 12
Why it works: Ginger and lime are both well known to help digestion, which in turn reduces intestinal gas and flatulence produced from poorly digested foods. Ginger also has muscle relaxant properties that helps relieve gases trapped in a constricted digestive system.
How it works: Take 1 teaspoon of grated ginger mixed with 1 teaspoon of lime juice immediately after eating.
Precautions: Taking ginger might increase your risk of bleeding and lower your blood sugar. Use caution if you have bleeding or blood sugar related conditions.
The self cure remedy of Take ginger and lime for the care and relief of Flatulence has an effectiveness score of 3.0 and a popularity score of 12 on the self-cure system.