Remedy Details for care and relief of Gingivitis

Brush teeth with tea tree oil for the care and relief of Gingivitis

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3.3 (8)
Effectiveness: 3.3  Popularity: 8

Why it works:
The space between teeth and gums can harbor a wide variety of bacteria. These bacteria can cause inflammation in the gums, causing issues with the overall health of the mouth. Tea tree oil cures for gum disease known antibiotic properties that kill bacteria and keep gum lines clean.

How it works:
Rub a little bit of tea tree oil in the gums to stop gum disease and also to help alleviate symptoms. You can even locate a toothpaste that includes tea tree oil to help fight bacteria when brushing.

Tea tree oil may cause skin irritation, swelling, burning, and redness for some people.

Don't take tea tree oil by mouth.

Tea Tree

The self cure remedy of Brush teeth with tea tree oil for the care and relief of Gingivitis has an effectiveness score of 3.3 and a popularity score of 8 on the self-cure system.