Remedy Details for care and relief of Hay Fever

Drink chamomile tea or inhale chamomile for the care and relief of Hay Fever

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3.9 (4)
Effectiveness: 3.9  Popularity: 4

Why it works:
Chamomile tea is a mild tasting and pleasant tea that is useful for allergies. If your eyes are bothered by allergy symptoms, place a warm and damp chamomile tea bag over each eye for ten minutes.

How it works:
Seep a chamomile tea bag in steaming water, wait for it to cool down and drink. Chamomile should be avoided by those with a ragweed allergy.

To inhale chamomile, pour boiling water into a metal or glass bowl, add a cup of dried chamomile flowers, cover it up and let it steep for 20 minutes. Drape a towel over your head and position your face 10-12 inches above the bowl and breathe in the steam.


The self cure remedy of Drink chamomile tea or inhale chamomile for the care and relief of Hay Fever has an effectiveness score of 3.9 and a popularity score of 4 on the self-cure system.