Clean nasal with salt water for the care and relief of Hay Fever
Effectiveness: 2.6Popularity: 37
Why it works: Salt water nasal irrigation solutions will wash away pollen grains that cause nasal allergies resulting in hay fever and chronic rhinitis.
How it works: Mix one and half teaspoons of salt with half teaspoon baking soda and two cups of lukewarm distilled or boiled water to make a saline solution. Use a rubber bulb syringe (or a medical syringe without the needle) to draw up the saline solution. Tilt your head downward over the sink and rotate to one side. Breathe through your mouth and squeeze the solution gently into the top nostril and let it flow out through the other nostril. Repeat the process on the other side. Blow your nose very gently to remove any left over solution. If you don't want to tilt your head to the side, you can just squirt the solution directly into the nostril and spit out the solution from your throat.
The self cure remedy of Clean nasal with salt water for the care and relief of Hay Fever has an effectiveness score of 2.6 and a popularity score of 37 on the self-cure system.