Remedy Details for care and relief of Hives

Eat or apply ginger for the care and relief of Hives

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3.2 (64)
Effectiveness: 3.2  Popularity: 64

Why it works:
A sudden boost in blood circulation can relieve skin swelling by transporting the inflammatory agents away from the body. The natural antihistamine properties of ginger can prevent further itchy skin rashes from appearing.

How it works:
Peel the skin of a small piece of fresh ginger root off and gently dab this onto your affected skin area. Apply it twice day. You can chill the ginger root in the fridge initially to get better cooling effect.

Taking ginger might increase your risk of bleeding and lower your blood sugar. Use caution if you have bleeding or blood sugar related conditions.


The self cure remedy of Eat or apply ginger for the care and relief of Hives has an effectiveness score of 3.2 and a popularity score of 64 on the self-cure system.