Remedy Details for care and relief of Hoarseness

Chew or gargle with cardamom tea for the care and relief of Hoarseness

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2.0 (34)
Effectiveness: 2.0  Popularity: 34

Why it works:
Green cardamom has been used for treating a hoarse voice in Ayurvedic medicine for many years. It can fight against inflammation and also soothe your mucous membranes.

How it works:
Slowly chewing one or two cardamom pods or gargle with cardamom tea.

To make cardamom tea: Boil a cup of water, and then add two cardomom pods into the boiling water. The pods should be squashed gently before adding them to the water so that they open up from one end. Leave the pods in the boiling water for 3 minutes, and then strain the tea into a mug. Drink this tea twice per day. Do not buy decorticated (meaning the tiny, fragrant seeds were removed from the pod) cardamom seeds or break open the pod ahead of time. The seeds will quickly lose their flavor after you break open the pod.

cardamom seed

The self cure remedy of Chew or gargle with cardamom tea for the care and relief of Hoarseness has an effectiveness score of 2.0 and a popularity score of 34 on the self-cure system.