Remedy Details for care and relief of Indigestion

Take peppermint for the care and relief of Indigestion

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3.2 (49)
Effectiveness: 3.2  Popularity: 49

Why it works:
Peppermint oil soothes intestinal muscle spasms and helps relieve nausea.

How it works:
Drink herbal tea made with peppermint, chamomile or fennel. Chamomile should be avoided by those with a ragweed allergy.

Peppermint may cause side effects including heartburn and allergic reactions including flushing, headache, and mouth sores for some people.


The self cure remedy of Take peppermint for the care and relief of Indigestion has an effectiveness score of 3.2 and a popularity score of 49 on the self-cure system.