Take fennel seeds for the care and relief of Indigestion
Effectiveness: 3.5Popularity: 2
Why it works: Fennel seeds contain oils that soothe spasms in the gut, relieve nausea, and help control flatulence. They also help prevent indigestion if taken right after a spicy meal.
How it works: Take half a tea spoon of fennel seeds and chew them slowly after your meals.
Precautions: Do not take fennel if you are breast-feeding.
Taking fennel can make skin extra sensitive to sunlight for some people.
Fennel might cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to celery, carrot or mugwort type of plants.
Fennel might slow blood clotting. Use caution if you have bleeding related conditions. Stop taking fennel at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery.
The self cure remedy of Take fennel seeds for the care and relief of Indigestion has an effectiveness score of 3.5 and a popularity score of 2 on the self-cure system.