Remedy Details for care and relief of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Eat oat bran for the care and relief of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Effectiveness: 3.2Popularity: 2
Why it works: Consuming oat bran in daily diet can provide your body with needed fiber and easily ease the symptoms of IBS.
How it works: Experiment to see if eating oat bran help with your IBS symptoms first because responses to such foods can vary among people. Gradually increase the amount of oats and other fiber-rich foods over the span of a week or two to see if you should take oat bran or to avoid it.
The self cure remedy of Eat oat bran for the care and relief of Irritable Bowel Syndrome has an effectiveness score of 3.2 and a popularity score of 2 on the self-cure system.