Remedy Details for care and relief of Kidney Stones

Drink basil tea for the care and relief of Kidney Stones

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2.6 (12)
Effectiveness: 2.6  Popularity: 12

Why it works:
Basil is diuretic and detoxifier which helps in the expulsion of kidney stones and strengthens the kidneys. It reduces uric acid levels in blood and cleanses kidneys. It contains acetic acid and other essential oils help to break down the stones and it also reduces pain with its pain killing property.

How it works:
Drink a tea made by boiling one teaspoon basil leaves (tulsi) in one cup of water.

The above-ground parts of basil and basil oil are possibly unsafe when taken by mouth as a medicine for long term use.

Do not take large amount of basil if you are pregnant or nursing.

Basil might slow blood clotting and lower blood pressure. Use caution if you have bleeding or blood pressure related conditions.

Stop using basil at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery.


The self cure remedy of Drink basil tea for the care and relief of Kidney Stones has an effectiveness score of 2.6 and a popularity score of 12 on the self-cure system.