Symptoms, remedies, treatments and care for Corn


Corns are small circles of hard, thickened skin that develop when the skin is exposed to excessive pressure or friction. Corns most often develop on the feet, especially on the tops and sides of the toes, soles of your feet and even between the toes. They can also develop on other body parts. The most common cause of corns on the feet is walking or running in ill-fitting shoes. Even standing for very long periods of time wearing tight shoes or high heels can cause corns. Other possible causes are walking without wearing shoes, wearing shoes without socks, and manual labor or taking part in sports activities that put pressure on the feet.


Apply white vinegar
3.2 (109)
Effectiveness: 3.2  Popularity: 109  
File with pumice stone
4.0 (92)
Effectiveness: 4.0  Popularity: 92  
Soak in apple cider vinegar
3.3 (79)
Effectiveness: 3.3  Popularity: 79  
Apply baking soda
3.1 (73)
Effectiveness: 3.1  Popularity: 73  
Apply vitamin E oil
3.2 (56)
Effectiveness: 3.2  Popularity: 56  
Soak in epsom salt solution
3.5 (52)
Effectiveness: 3.5  Popularity: 52  
Apply aloe vera
3.0 (50)
Effectiveness: 3.0  Popularity: 50  
Apply garlic
2.6 (36)
Effectiveness: 2.6  Popularity: 36  
Apply castor oil
2.0 (19)
Effectiveness: 2.0  Popularity: 19  
Apply turmeric
1.1 (13)
Effectiveness: 1.1  Popularity: 13  
Apply onion
2.7 (7)
Effectiveness: 2.7  Popularity: 7  
Apply lemon
3.5 (2)
Effectiveness: 3.5  Popularity: 2  
Apply papaya or pineapple
3.0 (2)
Effectiveness: 3.0  Popularity: 2  
Apply pineapple
3.0 (1)
Effectiveness: 3.0  Popularity: 1  
Apply calendula
2.0 (1)
Effectiveness: 2.0  Popularity: 1  
Apply turpentine oil
1.0 (1)
Effectiveness: 1.0  Popularity: 1  
Apply lemon and chamomile
Effectiveness: N/A  Popularity: 0  

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