Symptoms, remedies, treatments and care for Enlarged Prostate

Enlarged Prostate

Most men experience prostate gland enlargement as they age. The prostate gland is underneath the bladder. When it gets bigger, it can block the flow of urine. Symptoms of enlarged prostate can include: A weak or slow urinary stream, A feeling of incomplete bladder emptying, Difficulty starting urination, Frequent urination, Urgency to urinate, Getting up frequently at night to urinate, A urinary stream that starts and stops, Straining to urinate, Continued dribbling of urine, Returning to urinate again minutes after finishing.


Take pumpkin seeds
3.1 (121)
Effectiveness: 3.1  Popularity: 121  
Eat avocados
1.0 (78)
Effectiveness: 1.0  Popularity: 78  
Take sesame seeds
1.0 (59)
Effectiveness: 1.0  Popularity: 59  
Do Kegel exercises
3.5 (45)
Effectiveness: 3.5  Popularity: 45  
Take tomato
3.0 (45)
Effectiveness: 3.0  Popularity: 45  
Drink or soak in apple cider vinegar
2.5 (41)
Effectiveness: 2.5  Popularity: 41  
Take watermelon
2.8 (23)
Effectiveness: 2.8  Popularity: 23  
Take zinc supplement
2.5 (23)
Effectiveness: 2.5  Popularity: 23  
Eat bell peppers
1.6 (15)
Effectiveness: 1.6  Popularity: 15  
Take contrast sitz bath
2.9 (12)
Effectiveness: 2.9  Popularity: 12  
Take nettle
3.0 (4)
Effectiveness: 3.0  Popularity: 4  
Take saw palmetto supplement
3.5 (3)
Effectiveness: 3.5  Popularity: 3  
Take corn silk
2.0 (2)
Effectiveness: 2.0  Popularity: 2  
Take beta-sitosterol supplement
Effectiveness: N/A  Popularity: 0  

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