Symptoms, remedies, treatments and care for Nosebleed


Nosebleed, a.k.a. epistaxis in medical term, is bleeding from the blood vessels in the nose. Nosebleeds are common. The lining of your nose contains many tiny blood vessels that lie close to the surface and are easily damaged.

Dry air is the most common reason of nosebleeds. Other causes may include scratching or picking, irritants, injury, upper respiratory infection, medications, etc.< br/>
A sudden but infrequent nosebleed is usually not much of a concern. Frequent nosebleeds may indicate a more serious medical problem.


Moisturize air
4.0 (155)
Effectiveness: 4.0  Popularity: 155  
Inhale steam
3.8 (131)
Effectiveness: 3.8  Popularity: 131  
Apply Ice pack
4.1 (78)
Effectiveness: 4.1  Popularity: 78  
Drink cold water
3.2 (65)
Effectiveness: 3.2  Popularity: 65  
Apply onion
2.9 (40)
Effectiveness: 2.9  Popularity: 40  
Plug cotton ball with vinegar
3.5 (38)
Effectiveness: 3.5  Popularity: 38  
Instill saline solution
3.4 (38)
Effectiveness: 3.4  Popularity: 38  
Pinch your nose
3.7 (37)
Effectiveness: 3.7  Popularity: 37  
Take cayenne
3.7 (33)
Effectiveness: 3.7  Popularity: 33  
Apply apple cider vinegar
2.8 (25)
Effectiveness: 2.8  Popularity: 25  
Apply petroleum jelly
2.8 (20)
Effectiveness: 2.8  Popularity: 20  
Eat oranges
2.8 (17)
Effectiveness: 2.8  Popularity: 17  
Eat dark green leafy vegetables
2.8 (15)
Effectiveness: 2.8  Popularity: 15  
Instill ghee
3.0 (12)
Effectiveness: 3.0  Popularity: 12  
Instill nettle leaf juice
2.6 (8)
Effectiveness: 2.6  Popularity: 8  
Have whole-wheat diet
2.8 (4)
Effectiveness: 2.8  Popularity: 4  
Instill coriander juice
Effectiveness: N/A  Popularity: 0  
Instill holy basil extract
Effectiveness: N/A  Popularity: 0  

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