Remedy Details for care and relief of Muscle Cramp
Stretch the cramped muscle for the care and relief of Muscle Cramp
Effectiveness: 4.2Popularity: 17
Why it works: Cramp occurs when the muscle is in contraction and does not relax. By stretching the muscle, you are you are taking it out of the contracted or cramped position to get a quick relief.
How it works: For cramp in arch of the foot and toes, standing and pressing the foot down on a cold floor. For calf cramp, put your body weight on the cramped leg and raise the opposite arm up in the air. Alternatively, you can straighten your leg in the air while lying on your back and pull your toes toward your head using a towel. For hand cramps, try pressing your hand against a flat surface.
The self cure remedy of Stretch the cramped muscle for the care and relief of Muscle Cramp has an effectiveness score of 4.2 and a popularity score of 17 on the self-cure system.