Do pursed lip breathing for the care and relief of Bronchitis
Effectiveness: 3.9Popularity: 27
Why it works: Pursed-lip breathing may help slow down the breathing pace and control shortness of breath. The method works by reducing how often a breath is taken, which keeps the airways open for a longer period.
How it works: To practice pursed lip breathing, breathe in for two seconds through your nose, keeping your mouth closed. Try to fill your abdomen with air instead of just your lungs. Purse your lips like you’re blowing on hot food and then breathe out for four seconds, or take twice as long to exhale as you took to breathe in if you are unable to do the two-and-four-seconds pace. Keep on practicing until you can breathe like this naturally.
The self cure remedy of Do pursed lip breathing for the care and relief of Bronchitis has an effectiveness score of 3.9 and a popularity score of 27 on the self-cure system.