Remedy Details for care and relief of Osteoporosis
Take vitamin supplements for the care and relief of Osteoporosis
Effectiveness: 3.6Popularity: 15
Why it works: Calcium is essential in preventing the loss of bone mass. Magnesium balances the body’s calcium supply and keeping it from being excreted. Without enough magnesium and other trace minerals, calcium ingested, especially if excessive, will be deposited not in the bone but perhaps in the wall of our arteries.Vitamin D plays a pivotal role in nutrition by facilitating the absorption of calcium, thereby helping to support healthy and strong bones.
How it works: Take calcium (use calcium citrate for best absorption), magnesium, vitamin D supplements according to instructions.
The self cure remedy of Take vitamin supplements for the care and relief of Osteoporosis has an effectiveness score of 3.6 and a popularity score of 15 on the self-cure system.