Remedy Details for care and relief of Diaper Rash

Apply baking soda for the care and relief of Diaper Rash

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3.9 (75)
Effectiveness: 3.9  Popularity: 75

Why it works:
Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, neutralizes acids, balances the body's pH, and discourages the growth of yeast, bacteria, and infection. It thoroughly cleanses body cavities to leave your baby's skin healthy.

How it works:
Mix one tablespoon of baking soda in two cups of water and wash the baby's bottom with the mixture. Pat dry before putting on a new diaper.

baking soda

The self cure remedy of Apply baking soda for the care and relief of Diaper Rash has an effectiveness score of 3.9 and a popularity score of 75 on the self-cure system.