Rinse and massage with salt for the care and relief of Gingivitis
Effectiveness: 4.2Popularity: 87
Why it works: Rinsing mouth with lukewarm salt water is one of the oldest and the most effective swollen gum treatments. Salt is a natural disinfectant eliminates all the bad bacteria and harmful microbes that are causing pain and inflammation.
How it works: Mix 1 teaspoon of table salt to a glass of lukewarm water. Swish it all around the mouth for a few seconds. Repeat the same process till you finish the remaining water in your glass. Do this at least twice a day to get rid of swollen gums.
The self cure remedy of Rinse and massage with salt for the care and relief of Gingivitis has an effectiveness score of 4.2 and a popularity score of 87 on the self-cure system.