Symptoms, remedies, treatments and care for Snoring


Snoring is noisy breathing during sleep. While you sleep, the muscles of your throat relax, your tongue falls backward, and your throat becomes narrow and floppy. As you breathe, the walls of the throat begin to vibrate - generally when you breathe in, but also, to a lesser extent, when you breathe out. These vibrations lead to the characteristic sound of snoring. Sometimes the walls of the throat collapse completely so that it is completely occluded, creating a condition called apnea (cessation of breathing). This is a serious condition which requires medical attention.


Elevate head
3.5 (145)
Effectiveness: 3.5  Popularity: 145  
Apply nasal drop
1.5 (106)
Effectiveness: 1.5  Popularity: 106  
Sleep on your side
3.6 (101)
Effectiveness: 3.6  Popularity: 101  
Inhale steam
3.8 (78)
Effectiveness: 3.8  Popularity: 78  
Take olive oil
2.3 (56)
Effectiveness: 2.3  Popularity: 56  
Use nasal strip
1.5 (45)
Effectiveness: 1.5  Popularity: 45  
Take honey
2.0 (34)
Effectiveness: 2.0  Popularity: 34  
Use neti pot to clean nasal passage
3.2 (32)
Effectiveness: 3.2  Popularity: 32  
Do tongue exercise
2.0 (24)
Effectiveness: 2.0  Popularity: 24  
Apply ghee
2.5 (23)
Effectiveness: 2.5  Popularity: 23  
Take garlic
2.9 (18)
Effectiveness: 2.9  Popularity: 18  
Gargle with peppermint solution
2.5 (15)
Effectiveness: 2.5  Popularity: 15  
Use mouth guard
3.6 (11)
Effectiveness: 3.6  Popularity: 11  
Drink turmeric tea
1.9 (8)
Effectiveness: 1.9  Popularity: 8  
Drink nettle tea
2.6 (5)
Effectiveness: 2.6  Popularity: 5  
Loss weight
1.0 (1)
Effectiveness: 1.0  Popularity: 1  
Drink cardamom tea
Effectiveness: N/A  Popularity: 0  
Drink chamomile tea
Effectiveness: N/A  Popularity: 0  
Play didgeridoo
Effectiveness: N/A  Popularity: 0  
Use neck brace
Effectiveness: N/A  Popularity: 0  

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